7th & 8th Grade
While demanding, these high school entrance exams test the fundamental skills of reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, arithmetic, geometry, data analysis, and algebra. The ISEE and SSAT examinations sharpen critical thinking skills that form the bedrock of a successful academic career and prepare adolescents for future test taking habits.
9th-12th Grade
The SAT and ACT remain the foremost measures of academic aptitude and readiness for a college curriculum. However, rather than testing your innate intelligence, these examinations challenge students to sharpen life skills, including self-motivation, focus, commitment, endurance, and long-run dedication. In college preparation, it's as much about the journey as the destination.
College & Graduate School
From an MBA to a master’s in creative writing or a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, almost any graduate program requires taking the GRE. As the last standardized test in one's comprehensive education, the GRE requires the most rigorous quantitative and qualitative critical thinking skills of the world's top scholars, professionals, and leaders.
Chartered Financial Analyst
This comprehensive post-graduate examination — offered in three levels — covers a vast curriculum of Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management, Economics, Quantitative Methods, and Financial Statement Analysis.
"this institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. for here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it."